Tuesday 2 May 2023

Me For Queen and Samantha Whates live at Leith Depot April 2023

 I like small gigs. That closeness to the artist testing their sounds in front of small audiences is a special thing and one that I always find enlightening. 

This was certainly one of those nights. I was there to see Me For Queen and Samantha Whates two singer-songwriters creating music one step outside of the mainstream staying true to their muse and sharing those creations with small but appreciative audiences.

None more so than the the audience that greeted them at Leith Depot's new performance space in April. I was lightly familiar with Samantha Whates music (initially through here work with Josienne Clarke in the duo PicaPica) and was less familiar with Me For Queen but aware of her connections to other artist like Alva Leigh and Sarah Howells.

Samantha opened the night and performed a well received selection of her songs focussing on her recent album 'Waiting Rooms' (recorded in, yes waiting rooms around the UK) and the brand new 'Early Works'. 

Me for Queen (Mary Erskine) focussed on her new album 'Microclimate'. The songs are worth taking the time to get to know as Mary has a way with subjects and words that is worth following through. 

Both guested on each others songs adding to the feeling of collaboration that touring can bring to artists and audiences. These were unique performances that are unlikely to be repeated.

These are two artists that are well worth seeing so if you get the chance then take it. You won't be disappointed.

A friend of mine uses the hashtag #shoplocal to tag small gigs he goes to locally and that is applicable here. I walked to the venue like it was a local shop and walked home afterwards. If only a trip to my local Tesco was so uplifting. #shoplocal



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